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Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:18 am
by REivEN
THEWULFMAN wrote:Sweet looking characters, is that the Terminator race for your second character?

And no it is not the Terminator race, it is actually the Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suite by gaijune and the Hi-Res ACU texture from theLeeHarvey

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:55 pm
Fallout Immersion Overhaul is my current working title for my mod.

There will be 2 versions. One that just changes the weapon names, and one that also changes the stats. Mostly to buff the energy weapons to Fallout 1 levels.

Here's a good view of a large portion of the weapons. Every single gun is renamed, most energy weapons are renamed. No melee or grenades renamed, only a couple big weapons renamed. The rocket launcher, grenade launcher and the like are unnamed.

The goal of the mod is to give every single firearm a real name with a manufacturer tied to it. If the weapon in question has no known manufacturer tied to it, then I chose one that closest fit the bill. As an example, the vanilla 10mm pistol is the N99 in the lore. That's the model number, great, but no manufacturer tied to it. The N99 is based off of a Desert Eagle that Magnum Research made. Thus, I renamed the 10mm Pistol to the Magnum Research N99.

I'm someone who loves immersion and little details, and the lack of real weapon names always bugged me. I understand why they had to do it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

This mod is not for everyone. Some people might say the feeling is destroyed when you name them correctly. I personally feel that it sinks me deeper into the Fallout universe. If it does the same for you, fantastic.

Now for those screenshots.
To answer a few possible questions beforehand;

Q: Why General Electric for the laser weaponry instead of the existing Wattz company that has been in the lore since Fallout 1?
A: Because it makes more sense to me that the Wattz 1000 and the AEP7 were competeing models in their time from separate competing corporations. General Electric seems like a logical choice to me. I'll refer to them as if it was canon from now on just for simplification sake.

Q: What new weapons did you add?
A: None, are you high? I said it renames weapons, it doesn't add them.

Q: Have you renamed the weapon mods as well (i.e. Hunting Rifle Scope to Winchester Model 70 Scope)?
A: No, I'm unsure if I want to or not.

Q: Why do you have Winchester listed for some of the plasma weapons? That makes no sense, are you high?
A: It has been established in the lore that Winchester makes plasma weapons since Fallout 1. My being high on jet doesn't mean anything.

Q: For the Laser RCW why did you choose Colt instead of Wattz or General Electric?
A: Because it's so different from anything Wattz, General Electric or Winchester ever made. It's far closer to a Thompson, which was produced by Colt. I figure by the height of the resource wars, most firearm companies were forced to go into energy weapons to compete in the new market. The military only wanted energy weapons by the time the Great War hit in 2077.

Q: In the future, will you extend this mod to cover the chems as well?
A: While there are mods that do this, I will do this as well just to cut my own load order down.

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:23 pm
by JimmyAngler
LOL I had tried to make that same Sig-Saur pistol and failed terribly!!!!
:eek: *mind blown*

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:22 pm
by REivEN
JimmyAngler wrote:LOL I had tried to make that same Sig-Saur pistol and failed terribly!!!!
:eek: *mind blown*
Actually it is already in the Vanilla game :wink:

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:25 pm
by JimmyAngler
I wouldn't know I don't have fallout. :wink:

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:58 pm
JimmyAngler wrote:I wouldn't know I don't have fallout. :wink:

I'm going to assume you mean Deckard's gun from Bladerunner.
The name I created for it in Fallout is my own, it's not actually a SIG. Obsidian just added it as a Bladerunner reference (and I love them for that).

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:06 pm
by TikiXFIP
Wulf those weapons now being renamed look AMAZING, so much more realistic. Did you by any chance do any re-texturing because I noticed that the guns seemed more colorful or did you install a mod that enhances the graphics.

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:42 pm
In addition to Millenia creating loads of fantastic weapons, he also made a texture replacer pack for all the vanilla non-energy non-explosive weapons.



SO APPARENTLY, Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics are free right now on GET THEM. The server is really busy, but I now actually own my own copy of Fallout 2 and Tactics.

Sale ends in 1 day and 13 hours. ... promo_2013

Re: Fallout

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:24 am
by TikiXFIP
NO im in school till 2:15 will the deal still Be out by that time

Re: Fallout

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:56 am
You're fine, you still have 23 hours.

Re: Fallout

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:11 pm
by TikiXFIP

Update: Im new to and was wondering how do I play my newly downloaded fallout game?

Re: Fallout

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:27 pm
Hover over My Account, and go to My Games.

Click on the game you want in your library. ... .23.53.png

Look at the left side, underneath Windows you'll see the needed files for installation. Click on them, or in this case as there's only one, click on it. It will download, and once it's finished install and play.

Re: Fallout

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:16 pm
by TikiXFIP
Yeah I already figured it out thanks though. Killed Gizmo in Junktown and now at vault 15. After Im done with vault 15 I will be heading to the Hub for more questing and fun :D

Re: Fallout

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:10 am
by REivEN
Finally decided to install the G3 of Millenia (favourite weapon in BF3)
Looks really sweet ingame and even though it is a G3SG1 i will change some atributes in GECK so it closely resembles the G3A3

Re: Fallout

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:10 am
Yep, it's a good one. I edited mine to use a different fire sound, still trying to figure out how to make it recoil if it even can, I've noticed weapons don't really... recoil. Their accuracy decreases, but the reticle always stays on target. Annoying. Loving modding though, I've expanded FIO to include armors (making the power armor more accurate to the lore in terms of DT), weapon weight, misc item weight, indigestible weight and values and all that good stuff.

Re: Fallout

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:34 pm
by CressAlbane
The mod is sounding pretty neat. Any chance you found something for New Vegas gorewise?

Re: Fallout

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:42 pm
by REivEN
THEWULFMAN wrote:Yep, it's a good one. I edited mine to use a different fire sound, still trying to figure out how to make it recoil if it even can, I've noticed weapons don't really... recoil. Their accuracy decreases, but the reticle always stays on target. Annoying. Loving modding though, I've expanded FIO to include armors (making the power armor more accurate to the lore in terms of DT), weapon weight, misc item weight, indigestible weight and values and all that good stuff.
Yeah, modding can be fun when you finally get the hang of it :)

Also finally started playing OWB :D - 2 things i have to say

I can't finally wait to massacre the Think Tank
And second - OWB looks soo much nicer with ENB

Re: Fallout

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:46 pm
by TikiXFIP
Hey Reiven its good to hear from you again :D hows the mod coming along any big news?

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:37 am
CressAlbane wrote:The mod is sounding pretty neat. Any chance you found something for New Vegas gorewise?

I haven't gotten around to it. :u I'm horrible.

Re: Fallout

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:24 am
by REivEN
TikiXFIP wrote:Hey Reiven its good to hear from you again :D hows the mod coming along any big news?
No, there aren't any big news. Haven't worked on with for a week now... but don't worry i'll get back to it after New Years.

Also, if i'm not mistaken then there is already over 100 lines of voiced dialogue - i know that is not much, but creating the LIP files for it is a pain so i am quite proud of my acomplishment :D